Medical examinations
There are several reasons why you might need a medical examination. It may be needed to do your job, or if you work within healthcare or with hazardous waste, you may need specific inoculations.
Medical examinations are sometimes necessary to provide proof of immunisation against an occupationally acquired infection. This could be for an insurance report, a visa application, or you may need a sick certificate. The Oakley Practice carries out medical examinations quickly with complete medical reports and the expertise to provide everything you need for each circumstance.
As we’re a private GP practice, there are no long queues to get an appointment for a medical examination or inoculation against occupationally acquired infections, so you can get on with your life relatively quickly.
Insurance medicals
This is often required when taking out medical insurance. Typically, we will carry out a standard assessment that will take you through your health history, and lifestyle, and we will take blood tests where needed. As always, you can ask any questions and discuss any health concerns you might have.
Driver medicals
An HGV driver has to be fit and healthy according to the law. The HGV examination determines driver health and covers drivers of HGV, LGV, PVC, taxis and ambulances.
Our HGV driver medical involves an interview in which we gather information about your physical and mental health and medical history, followed by a physical examination, which includes a medical eye test, checking for any neurological problems, mental health, diabetes treatment, heart condition and blood pressure as well as drug testing.
At Oakley Medical Practice, we offer fully comprehensive testing in line with government/DVLA regulations for new drivers and those renewing their medical fitness qualifications.
Visa medicals
A medical examination is sometimes required if you are planning to live or work abroad. As each country has differing requirements to confirm medical fitness, there will be different checks and tests to undergo. Check the requirements for your particular circumstances with the authority in the country in question before you call us.
Fit for work/occupational medical
The Oakley Practice offers individual support as well as a corporate package for occupational medicals. This could include workplace assessment and checking that employees are fit for the work entailed.
Inoculations against workplace-acquired infection
Nurse SIAN REALLY KNOWS HER STUFF. Came for a vaccine. As a prior biomedical researcher and physician associate i was pleasantly shocked at her level of understanding on a biomolecular level or the vaccines she delivers. Well done